If you run a multilevel marketing (MLM) or direct sales company, you need a powerful system that creates productive distributors and makes happy (returning!) customers. You need a web-based system that will empower your distributors to expand your brand around the globe.
You need Flexmark from Flying Man Productions: Proprietary MLM Software that offers the savviest management and marketing tools for maximum results!
Don’t believe us? Check out these 7 undeniable ways Flexmark will improve the way you do business.
1. It’s Customizable
As unique as your company
You have worked hard to set your brand apart from the competition, so why should your websites, tools, print media, and online shop be any different? Off-the-shelf packages and website templates may have an enticing price tag, but their limited features and vanilla appeal will cripple your presentation. Flexmark, on the other hand, is completely customizable. We recognize the wide range of needs across MLM companies, and we celebrate their differences by creating a program that will cater uniquely to their brand. Whether you’ve been around for 25 years or have a fresh start up company with only a dream for a sales force, Flexmark has you covered. With well over 100 features offered, we can work with you to create the package that suits your company perfectly.
2. It’s Flexible
The ability to grow with your company
The direct sales and MLM industry is always changing, and our innovative programmers are constantly discovering new and better ways to get the job done. So why should your software get stuck in the past? Your company needs to be equipped for longevity. That’s why we make sure Flexmark grows and matures alongside your company. As new advances in technology emerge or your market shifts to include a new demographic, our expert technicians and programmers will update your software and tools – free of charge.
3. It’s Accessible
We built Flexmark to almost work on its own
Even the most technologically challenged members of your sales force will feel comfortable with Flexmark. We have engineered every website to rank well without additional help from the distributor (although any effort they make will push them straight to the Top 3!). They receive emails or texts every time a new prospect opts in on their engaging website. Their prospect will automatically receive a targeted email campaign or ebook without any effort from the distributor. And with a single click, they can send even more marketing emails. When a sale is made on a distributor’s replicated site, they will instantly be awarded the commission – no paperwork necessary! We have done all the heavy lifting, so your sales force can focus on building relationships and reaching their financial goals.
4. It’s Comprehensive
Full of smart features & tools!
- Top Ranked Website Replication
- E-commerce Shopping Cart
- Multi Language & Currency
- Secured Administrative Area
- Online Auto-Ship Ordering
- Enticing Website Opt-Ins
- Genealogy Management
- Graphical Revenue Report
- Automatic Incentives & Rewards
- Group Emails (Text and HTML)
- Automatic Email Newsletter Campaigns
- Distributor Notification Emails
- Multiple Payment Processing Gateways
Click here for our full list of features.
5. It’s Convenient
And we provide the training for free!
We love every aspect of Flexmark so much that we cannot bear to think of you and your distributors not using it to the fullest! We design user-friendly and intuitive programs that practically work on their own, but we also invest time in personally training you and your corporate staff with the administrative functions. Then we show your sales force how to take advantage of every tool we have placed in their toolbox. This is a multi-faceted training process that allows everyone – in any time zone and with any schedule – to absorb the information at their own pace when it’s most convenient for them.
Training Video Blog – For the Distributors on the Go
The blog features short videos that focus on 1 tool at a time. These videos can be accessed 24/7 on any device and watched over and over.
Training Email Newsletters – For the Detail-Oriented Go-Getters
The automated emails go into more detail about 1 feature or tool of the system and include an embedded training video.
Live Webinars & Workshops – For the Lifelong Students
FMP Co-Creators Darryl & Eric Prusak host live training webinars to train distributors how to market their business online with Flexmark. Includes a live Q&A.
1-on-1 Training – For the Late Night Learners
Our Support Staff stands by 12 hours a day, 5 days a week to train your sales force over the phone or via Live Chat.
6. It’s Reliable
And supported by our Dream Tech Support Team (with Real, English-Speaking Humans)
What good is top-notch software if you can’t rely on a robust Support Staff to back it up? We at FMP take great pride in our stellar Customer Care and Technical Support Staff, and we hold them to extremely high expectations. Don’t expect to talk to a machine or sit through endless automated phone options. You will always communicate directly with our professional, friendly team members. We offer quick, thorough, and personalized email responses, real-time Live Chat, and in-depth phone training and support. All of our clients and their sales force have direct access to our helpful bilingual team – for the lifetime of our products and services!
7. It’s So Much More Than Software!
Flexmark is only one component of our full range of services. Flying Man Productions empowers MLM business owners with MLM consulting, commission structure design, start-up branding, market research, PR services, and so much more. Check out our website for our full list of services.
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