Running a network marketing business in the 21st century means a lot of your work is most likely handled on your Smartphone or tablet. Email exchanges, traveling logistics, project management, prospect follow-ups – a Smartphone can do it all! And it’s even easier when your home screen is stocked with smart apps that make digital marketing and business management a breeze!
We put together a list of our favorite business apps for network marketers and MLM business owners. Check out our Top 10 List:
1. Evernote
Personal – Free
Premium – $5/month or $45/year
No surprise here! Evernote has been around for a long time (in app years, that is) but it is consistently reliable and a huge stress-reducer and time-saver. If you’ve never heard of it, Evernote is a tool that allows you to easily take notes, save your favorite websites, or even plan a trip. It will sync between all of your devices, so staying up-to-date is easy. You can even share notes with friends with the push of a button. The premium services adds some additional features that make this app even more useful such as off-line note viewing, increased storage space, adding passcodes, and smarter searching within your notes.
2. Google Drive
Price: Free
Another predictable staple! Google Drive is a complete office suite available everywhere you go (as long as you have internet connection). This cloud-based software allows you to easily manage and share your documents, spreadsheets, presentations, and other important information from your Smartphone, tablet, or computer.
3. Expensify
Price: Sign up is free. Monthly pricing varies based on company size and number of users.
If your business regularly expenses receipts, this app will add years to your life! Expensify will import expenses directly from your credit card and create an instant expense report. Then you can approve the reports with just a click, and your employees will be directly reimbursed in their checking accounts. You can even record expenses by taking a quick snapshot of your receipts from your phone. Very handy!
4. inDinero
Price: Must request pricing info
Whether you are a start-up MLM or have been in business for years, inDinero will save you money. inDeniro is an accounting, payroll and tax application that will eliminate your need for an accountant completely! This app produces reports and graphs that quickly and easily provide financial information to keep you in control of your business.
5. BillTracker
Price: $1.99
Billtracker helps you manage all of your company bills from your iPhone. This budget-friendly app sends alerts when it’s time to pay a bill and lets you track your bill pay history. You can even securely store your account numbers and other sensitive information in the app to keep all the information in one safe database.
6. Loan Calc
Price: $0.99
Perhaps you have managed to stay out of debt on this journey in network marketing, but many businesses owners find the need to take out a loan at some point in their career. As you’d expect, the Loan Calc app keeps track of your payment history and balance information. But it does so much more! You can calculate any component of your loan. Play around with the interest rate, payment frequency, or payoff date to learn the ins and outs of your loan.
7. E*TRADE Mobile Pro
Price: Free
Any business owner who has been fortunate enough to invest in the market should have the E*Trade Mobile Pro app. But be prepared to get quickly addicted! This app features free streaming quotes and trading or selling at the touch of a button. You can manage your entire investment portfolio between meetings from your Smartphone.
8. Speek
Price: Free, or $10/month for more features
Dial-in, PIN numbers, static, dropped calls… aren’t you ready for a better way to do conference calls? The Speek app gives you a private link to share with your team members. When everyone clicks on the link from their preferred device, you’re all connected! It’s simple, reliable, and hassle free.
9. TripIt
Price: Free
Traveling business professionals – listen up! This trip management app is your key to organized business trips. Simply email your flight, hotel, and car rental confirmations to [email protected], and a travel itinerary will instantly be available on your app.
It gets even better if you frequently travel with a business team. TripIt for Teams organizes the entire team’s daily itineraries that can be accessed on one centralized dashboard. The calendar is especially helpful, and allows team members to stay synched throughout the entire trip.
10. LastPass
Price: $12/year
There’s a reason every log-in page of every website has a “Forgot Your Password” button. If you’re like most business owners (or anyone who enjoys 21st century technology), you probably have so many passwords that you might forget one from time to time. This app is aptly named, because it truly is the last password you’ll ever have to remember. LastPass secures all of your passwords from many different websites with one Master Password. And it can even populate a random password for a new website and auto-fill online forms. Convenience has never been so secured!
What apps do you heavily rely on for your business? Let us know in the comments below.
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